Monday, July 30, 2007

The meaning of the universe's actions...

So one has to wonder, when bad things happen what is the universe trying to tell or teach you? My cousin and his wife faced a horrible decision this past week and will soon be suffering a great loss. I am deeply saddened by this, but in bad times I try to remember that the universe has a way of shaping your life by giving and taking things from you. I firmly believe that things happen for a reason (even though sometimes those reasons don't become clear until many years later). Maybe my belief is a form of a coping mechanism, but nonetheless I truly think there is a greater purpose and path for everyone.

My thoughts are with my cousins and I know there will be something positive that comes out of this tragedy. Perhaps this was a sacrifice that saved her life - she was set to leave for Iraq to serve in the reserves but due to her situation she was discharged her from the reserves. God knows what might have happened if she went to Iraq. I am not saying one situation is preferable to the other, but like I said, the universe has a way of making things happen the way they were meant to happen.

Take Care S&G-- I am thinking of you.

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